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New disclosure requirements for foundations

As of January 1, 2023, the Board of Trustees must separately disclose to the supervisory authority each year the total amount of compensation paid directly or indirectly to it and to the Executive Board. This concerns:
- Fees, salaries, bonuses and credits;
- Bonuses, interests in sales and other interests in the results of the business;
- Services and benefits in kind;
- Allocation of equity securities, conversion and option rights;
- Incentive payments;
- Sureties, guarantee obligations and other collateral;
- Waivers of claims;
- Expenses that create or increase entitlements to pension benefits;
- all payments for additional work;
- Compensation in connection with non-competition agreements.
In order not to jeopardize the tax exemption, foundations should carefully inform themselves, observe the respective cantonal practice and, if necessary, draw up a compensation policy.