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Holiday reductions: How does it work?

Holiday reductions: How does it work?

If you are prevented from working for a long period of time, e.g. due to illness, accident or pregnancy, you are obliged to continue paying your salary. At the same time, the prevention of work entitles the employee to a reduction of his/her holiday entitlement. There are three different cases:

  1. Holiday reduction in the case of self-inflicted absence.

The employer may reduce the holiday entitlement by one twelfth for each month of absence.

  1. Holiday reduction in case of absence without fault

If the employee is not at fault and cannot work, e.g. due to illness or military service, the holidays may be reduced by one twelfth for each month of absence of two months or more. The first month is not included, it is considered as a waiting period. In the event of reduced working capacity, the waiting period shall be extended.

  1. Reduction of holidays in case of absence due to pregnancy

If an employee is absent from work for more than two months during pregnancy, the employer is entitled to reduce the holiday entitlement by one-twelfth from the third month and by one-twelfth for each additional full month. Holidays may not be reduced during the statutory maternity leave of 14 weeks.